Cherry Goes Global

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Does my butt look big in this colour?

Well, well, well! What have we here??? A cocktastic blog make over! I don't think a crew of stylists and hair and make up peeps with promises of caramel chunks and highlights teamed with fantastic new bangs working on Ricki Lake could have come up with something of this calibre!

So what do we think? We like? I particularly like that the gal up there in the corner seems to be losing her inhibitions with a wild hair flick.

News Flash: The Cherry has been given a new nickname derived by ancient greek gods on the island of Delos. You may now refer to me as 'Death By Girth' (or you can still just keep calling me as Cherry or Cock Slut as one dear reader's hubby prefers to call me, whatever floats your boat).
Ciao for now and remember GYCO!

Posted by Cherry! :: 9:21 am :: 22 fans want a piece of The Cherry!

You want a piece too???
