Cherry Goes Global

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Angelino Crazee

Last night I went with Soe and her husband Luciano to a place where he practices ping pong. Luciano played soccer for many many moons before making the obvious and natural transition into the exciting world of ping pong. Walking into the room where the practicing takes place, you could be forgiven for thinking that you had walked into the Annual Geek Fest awards, such is the talent (or lack thereof) sniffing around. Any one of them could be a contender, and like Luciano, they take their ping pong very seriously indeed. Who wouldn't?

Soe and I had a bit of a ping at the pong and, if I may so, I think I showed a natural flair pinging the pong. After that we retreated to the bar to eat and watch the San Remo Song Festival before the ping pong professionals joined us. As much as I would've loved to have taken some crotch shots, the thought repulsed me, given the company I was in.

I didn't come away empty handed, however, and instead of crotch shots took the the best thing. Shots of the resident crazy a la Angelino. Angelino has two teeth in the top row, ideally positioned in the 'fang' section of the gum, roughly the same amount of brain cells, a distinct lack of ability to string two words together and has no idea that a country called Australia exists. He was harmless, amusing and hung with us for a while. He was also kind enough to pose for a few pictures. I think you'll agree that I've captured the essence of 'Angelino Crazee'.

Posted by Cherry! :: 8:22 pm :: 6 fans want a piece of The Cherry!

You want a piece too???
