Thursday, October 19, 2006
Sorry about that....
Yeah. Sorry about being away for so damn long! I know how you must've all been suffering withdrawals....
I know I promised that I'd give you the low down on what happened THAT Saturday night, but I'm not really in the zone right now. Next time, I promise.
This is just a quick one to let all and sundry (that care) know that The Cherry lives on! Through starvation and a couple of little bits of exercise I continue to live large with The Bloggest Loser competition. Everyone (that's doing it) needs to post how much they've lost so far this coming Monday, okay?
I've pretty much just been driving around (borrowed my sister's car) and getting lost. You know trips that should take one hour end up an hour and a half because one little road is blocked and you have to take a different route and end up going through the back streets and ultimately drive in the wrong direction? That's me. I'd also like to blame my father a little for yesterday's efforts (yes, that's right last night and this morning going all around the world). He assumes I know where I'm going which is a huge mistake to begin with, and then gives me main roads and ends the directions with 'and then you just take the back streets'. Hmmm....very informative! While I was driving the streets aimlessly last night I was taken back to a time in December last year when I dropped the parents off at the airport and then had to drive the 15 minute drive back to my bro's house. When asked for directions my father replied 'Oh! You know the way! Just get out onto such and such and you'll know where you are!' Let it be said that one hour and many a phone call later, I found myself still driving around searching for my bro's house. I nearly ended up in the big smoke which is completely in the opposite direction. hahaha! Loves it!
Ummm.....can't really think of anything else to write for now, except we'll be having a large one Saturday night and another large one next weekend (hopefully both nights). I just trekked into the big smoke and bought two fabulous new frocks! *squeal* Cannot wait to frolick in those at the discoteque. 'Twill surely be nothing short of murder on the dance floor!
Gotta run peeps. Sorry for the neglect, I'll be more diligent in the coming days!
Rock out! Love youse all! The directionally challenged Cher xxx
Posted by Cherry! ::
1:24 pm ::
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Sunday, October 08, 2006
The Bloggest Loser Launch
Tired of feeling overwieght? Want to rid yourself of that spare tyre? Or simply just want to tone up and feel fantastic? Well 'The Bloggest Loser' may be for you!
Some of my blog buddies as well as non blogging buddies have decided that we should start losing weight together! We'll measure body fat using this method and check in every Monday with improvements in weight etc. No need to publically disclose your start weight though as this could prove to be a humilitating experience and after January 1st the one that has improved the most will be declared The Bloggest Loser! All interested parties email me or leave me a comment to let me know you'll be playing along.

If you feel like purchasing some fabulous sweat bands such as the ones you see being mwardelled by Ms. Olympia (Emma), Lady T (Wendy) and The Cherry then knock yourself out. I feel they can enhance any workout regime. So in updates for this weekend. Friday night we went and saw a show in Newtown. The first singer wore some sort of psychotic smile whilst singing her original songs. Despite the applause I could see the peeps just wanted her off that damn stage. After she finished Ms. O and I ducked up to the bathroom and who should walk in but the main 'act'. She popped into a cubicle and then left without going through the social norm of washing her hands! Ha! Immediately knew she must have been snorting some of the good stuff in there and went into to check for evidence. Lo and behold, our suspicions were confirmed....I would never have thought this particular singer would be into the good times. Anyway, they were awesome and then we rocked onto RWC for a boogie.
I met a nice chap, kissed him and then left. He called me and said he would see me next weekend. So we'll see. He was hot and I suspect HUNG! On Saturday night I went back to the parents place where a MASSIVE drama unfolded! I'll be posting about that tomorrow or the next day along with pics. I'm not giving away any hints, but I will say that I'm still a little edgy. Well more than a little actually.
That's all for now folks. And remember if you want to get physical by participating in The Bloggest Loser let me know. Edgy Cherry saying ciao for now. *blows kiss*
Posted by Cherry! ::
2:20 pm ::
36 fans want a piece of The Cherry!
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Friday, October 06, 2006
'My body is a movie and your penis is the star!'
 That is my fave profile pic from the Don't Date Him website. He looks like a bit of a catch, don't you think?
Anyway, something's brewin' here in blog land so I urge you all to check back here tomorrow because I will be posting details, sweeties, details!
Not much to tell y'all folks except that I chatted to someone who I hadn't spoken to in a loooooooooong time. And you know who you are and I thought you had gone all MIA on me.
Also there was contact made with the Lebs across the street. I'm thinking we need to have a 'Meet The Neighbours' fucktion if you know what I mean! Bring Neighbourhood Watching to a whole new level. We thought they were drug dealers (hot AND drug dealers?!?!? The Cherry! should be so lucky!) but it turns out they just have a large family and that's why there's the coming and going of cars.
As well as this I have been pumping out a bit o' the ole Vanilla Ice. Loves that shit! Oh and what about Tiffany 'I think we're alone now'?!?!? Or my personal fave Mel & Kim 'Tay tay tay tay tay tay tay tay takin' chances....' from 'Respectable'. It's stuff that you can skip around to in a gay fashion swinging your hair, possibly even bring out a couple of break dancing manouvres or do some sort of robot routine.
Today I have many a thing to do. Check this astonishing list out and ponder how I will get it all done:
Have shower Wash hair (whilst in shower) Get dressed DO THE FREAKING HAIR PROPERLY BEACAUSE I AM MAKING A PUBLIC APPEARANCE Go INTO the bank because I don't have a keycard Travel to the Big Smoke Meet my friend Meet my other friends Go to dinner and a show Consume intoxicating substances at the local - RWC Possibly pash/grope/touch up a fellow punter in my intoxicated state**
**this will be done to carry on with my life's work on getting girth measurements. Like a survey. It's for scientific purposes.
That's about all I have for you today. I urge you to check back tomorrow where something fabulous will be launched and some fucking fantastic pics will be on here and when you see them you too will say they're fucking fantastic too!
Peace out biatches! Cock Whore & Certified Cock Sucker signing off for now..... Kisses and blow jobs all 'round peeps! Cherry!
Posted by Cherry! ::
5:12 am ::
17 fans want a piece of The Cherry!
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Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Cherry's an Addict
I'm happy to announce that another addiction can now be added to the following list:
* red wine * cocks with girth * blog whoring * msn messenger * Valentino Rossi * The Canterbury Bulldogs
The new addiction is
I am telling you that thanks to visiting Angie's blog today where she spoke about this that I have not been able to stop reading it. At first I thought it was just American guys up there. Imagine my delight when I realised there were Australian guys on there too! *squeal* This is some pretty funny shit, even if it is simultaneously humiliating the crap out of the guys in question. I mean bitches cheat too! It's like an online version of Cheaters, which you all know I LOVE to watch. I love it when they say that they have sexual problems or a small penis. hahaha! Honestly some of the stuff on there is just priceless! Whilst chatting to Kris earlier I had to warn her that she had better go to the bathroom before reading this one because she may actually piss herself laughing when she read it. I urge you to do the same and don't drink anything whilst reading it either because you might spit it over the computer.
I don't think I'd ever go as far as putting anything on there because then I think that it actually shows the guy that you give a shit and it's all about dignity with The Cherry. Having said that it's fabulously entertaining and so I shall keep on reading it!
Take it easy! Kisses!
Posted by Cherry! ::
6:44 am ::
31 fans want a piece of The Cherry!
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Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Does my butt look big in this colour?
Well, well, well! What have we here??? A cocktastic blog make over! I don't think a crew of stylists and hair and make up peeps with promises of caramel chunks and highlights teamed with fantastic new bangs working on Ricki Lake could have come up with something of this calibre!
So what do we think? We like? I particularly like that the gal up there in the corner seems to be losing her inhibitions with a wild hair flick.
 News Flash: The Cherry has been given a new nickname derived by ancient greek gods on the island of Delos. You may now refer to me as 'Death By Girth' (or you can still just keep calling me as Cherry or Cock Slut as one dear reader's hubby prefers to call me, whatever floats your boat). Ciao for now and remember GYCO!
Posted by Cherry! ::
9:21 am ::
22 fans want a piece of The Cherry!
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